New Varieties
Erica x Darleyensis – Phoebe

This new salmon pink winter flowering plant has a compact bushy habit and produces many of its beautiful flowers as early as September and is a popular plant for Autumn sales. Protected by Plant Breeders Rights, Forest Edge is the sole licensed UK producer.
Erica australis – Trisha

This new tree heather was bred in Germany by Kurt Kramer and introduced to the UK by Forest Edge Nurseries. With deep lilac flowers on bushy sea green foliage in late Spring. Compact habit.
Erica carnea – Aztec Gold

This winter flowering heather is a Forest Edge Nurseries selection with lavender flowers in Winter and Spring set on bold golden yellow foliage deepening to orange and bronze.
Erica carnea – Saskia

Named after the owners Grand Daughter, this low growing spreading plant has sea-green foliage and bears striking Salmon Pink flowers from February to late April. This novel colour break extends the flower range into a new dimension and will be a valued addition to heather plantings suitable for growing in most soil types, the plant will be supplied with the new Forest Edge bespoke pictorial heather label designed to enhance and increase plant sales.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Jana’

This new double flowered Calluna has spikes of rich deep pink flowers from August to October on green foliage. Sure to be a best seller with this distinctive flower colour’.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Galaxy’

A new introduction originating from British Columbia with feathery upright golden yellow foliage bearing pure white buds throughout the Autumn and into early Winter. Attractive foliage even when not in flower.
Erica carnea ‘Dorset Sunshine’

Found at Forest Edge as a sport on Erica carnea ‘Winter Sun’ it retains all the characteristics of its parent. One of the later Spring flowering cultivars, the foliage is a lighter shade of green in Winter changing to golden orange in Summer with wine red flowers.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Yellow Beauty’

A sport from the ever popular Calluna vulgaris ‘Dark Beauty’, this cultivar has the added benefit of lemon yellow foliage which contrast well with striking deep red flowers of its parent. A good foliage plant in its own merit.
Erica carnea ‘Claribelle’

A Forest Edge introduction displaying an unusual attractive shade of clear pink flowers on upright light green foliage in late Winter through to Spring.